The site format has changed and is now a combination of crypto information and news – as well as my resume, career path and experience.
- Check out a list of UI prototypes I’ve made over my career.
- Check out interesting Crypto News Daily reports.
- Or read some crypto articles I am writing.
…Continue on to read about my career experience:
I recently achieved AWS Certified Developer Associate, Cloud Practitioner and Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner (A hands on lab in a controlled live sandbox environment)
I specialize in creating engaging solutions to solve real world problems while designing beautiful applications that increase productivity and generate revenue.
I have a lot of experience with HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript, Angular, Angular Material, Kendo UI, AG-Grid, Git, Bitbucket, VSCode, TypeScript, JavaScript, jQuery, Bamboo, Harness, PCF, VMWare/Tanzu, All Browsers and devtools, Filezilla, Balsamiq, Sketch, Invision and Adobe.
Historically I’ve extensively used tools, frameworks and libraries such as Ionic, Compass, Laravel PHP, Bootstrap, Foundation CSS, Postman, XLDeploy, AppDynamics, Splunk, Jenkins, Putty, Vim. I have also have experience with Linux, Tomcat, Apache, WPF and much more.
I have designed solutions for a wide range of UI scenarios and business interests. Whatever the challenge may be, I have the experience and ingenuity to meet that challenge.
LinkedIn, Resumé, Prototypes, Codepen

I begin March 2024, more details to come!
Charles Schwab
During my tenure at TDA, I was interviewed and hired full-time at Charles Schwab to help take ownership of a new Angular product for the financial regulations department to view transaction and customer data in support of compliance reporting for SEC Rule 613 CATNMS (Consolidated Audit Trail National Market System.)
Tools include Bamboo, Harness, PCF, Splunk and the usual arsenal of front end web development tools.
TD Ameritrade

In August 2020, I moved to Montana and started working for TDA/Schwab on their widely used AngularJS (you read that right) call center application. This application interacts with dozens of systems to present a comprehensive dashboard for call center agents.
The product, named A2C (Associate to Client), is a critical desktop application for call center issue resolution. My primary responsibility includes:
- Debug and implement fixes for everything from system configuration to server management tasks
- Build new UI features from development to production,.
- Extensive Confluence documentation for releases, new features, as well as retroactively documenting legacy feature details.
- Monitor applications with Splunk, AppDynamics, xMatters and analyze server logs to pinpoint and troubleshoot application issues.
- Tools include: XLDeploy, Postman, Jenkins, Putty, FileZilla and VSCode, Git and many more!

The Bitterroot National Forest, was right up the road from my door in MT, but I have since moved…

…to Las Vegas, Nevada – LOL, I’ll put up a nicer photo soon.
Canon USA

I have just completed my project at Canon’s American headquarters located in Melville NY.
Read Details.

I completed an extended project to create and implement the desktop and responsive versions of this awesome e-commerce website. Based on a set of starting point PSD’s provided by third party design teams, I completed the desktop designs, as well as fully design the responsive mobile versions of the entire site.
Read Details.
Evolution Medical Communications

Hybrid App Designer: Consulting with Precision Global Staffing
Completed project built with Angular 2 and Ionic 2. I used Balsamiq for the low fidelity prototype, and Sketch with Invision for high fidelity design.
Read more details here.
Gallery: KOL Connect
Gallery: Sign In App

For most of 2016 I was employed by Adecco Group NA where we developed six of Adecco’s international job posting websites. I also created a Virtual Assistant prototype with Ionic and Angular.
Aspect Software

Aspect’s Internal Project Management Product – Compass:
Project Summary, Utilization, Practice, Region
Progressive Insurance
Agent Shift Bid Application
Agent Schedule Trading System
(click “FIND OT” for some interaction)
JetBlue Reskin of Aspect Product Workforce Management (static screenshots)
Jetblue Mobile Trades – project earned over $80k for my department
(Responsive application built with Foundation, designed for small viewport)
Aspect Value-Added Product
Agent Activity Management Dashboard
(responsive dashboard)
Custom Widget for SalesForce Dashboard
Web Softphone
Also while employed at Aspect, I gave a presentation to the entire department (over 60 people) discussing modern UI and UX design in lay terms.
InterTech Media

Complete redesign and improvement of the flagship CMS product named Vortal. Created styles guides pattern library with copy/paste code snippets so developers could get projects finished quickly an effortlessly adhere to the company design aesthetic. Single handedly designed and developed the interface for ITM’s latest product Zocle – a social management dashboard tool.
Sometimes I’ll do a customized a simple WordPress site for a friend.

Microsoft Certified Professional
I am pleased to announce that on December 16, 2015, I passed the 70-480: Programming with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and I am now a Microsoft Certified Professional. View the certificate. USE ID: 1174306 — CODE: qjhwqdw2636
IBM Prove It! – HTML5
I was recently tested on HTML5 and passed with a high score. View details.