My Prototypes

Last Updated on January 11, 2025

  • TDAmeritrade
  • A2C – “Associate-2-Client” call center dashboard.
  • As the conversion from TDA to Schwab was implemented, along with other smaller KLO tasks, I built widgets on top of a mature yet critical AngularJS application. 
Site design and implementation.

Codepen – This is where I create useful prototypes. View my most popular pens. I also use codepen for handy storage of reusable UI elements as well as creating prototypes of proprietary UI interactions to entice stakeholders. For Angular, I started using StackBlitz to prototype  interactive elements.

Job Finder Virtual Assistant (Screenshots) Built with Angular and Ionic as a side project for management. My team was responsible for maintaining  multiple job seeking websites. I created the global design teams’ style design system.

Aspect Software 
Department summit presentation on current design concepts.

Aircraft Lighting International
A prototype for a potential client that wanted large imagery and video to feature their product.

Downtime Projects

While looking for work, I’ve made a few, fun, simple apps to demonstrate my quick, design and implementation work using Firebase, and Angular.

  • LocalBrew: A mobile first app that can use your geolocation to find breweries near you! Using an open source brewery database api called OpenBrewery DB.
  • Bike Product Manager: A mobile first, simple CRUD app built with Firebase and Angular as a request for an interview. It turned out good so I decided to share it!